eat shit
Download Here.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thursday, November 20, 2008
No Age - Live 11-19-2008 @ Wexner Center, Columbus Ohio

No Age - Live 11-19-2008 @ Wexner Center, Columbus Ohio
I Love No Age. This was captured with a digital hand-held recorder last night by my buddy Ryan when we saw them in Columbus with the incredible Silk Flowers & Soft Circle. Today I painstakingly cut it up into separate tracks, named them & even made artwork since I get annoyed when artwork is missing on iTunes. Very nerdy, yes. But don't lie, you'd do the same.
This was one of the best sets I've seen No Age play yet. Enjoy.
Download Here.
Buy their records from Sub Pop.
Or buy them from Post Present Medium.
No Age on Myspace.
Monday, November 17, 2008
v/a Mein Comp 7" - Youth Attack! Records - 2004

v/a Mein Comp 7" - Youth Attack! Records - 2004
A who's who in American Hardcore circa 2004. I normally don't care much for compilations but how can I ignore one with such an awesome line up. Ten "political" songs from the likes of Knife Fight, Fourteen Or Fight, Limpwrist, The Oath, Punch In The Face, John Brown's Army, Tear It Up, Gate Crashers, Reagan SS & Last In Line with George W. Bush samples mixed throughout. Standout tracks for me are Knife Fight, The Oath & PITF but the whole record plays through great with no need to skip tracks. The records cover can be dismantled and turned into an Anti-Bush stencil, smash the state! right?
Download Here.
Buy it Here.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Soddam Inssein - War, on Drugs LP - Post Present Medium - 2003

Soddam Inssein - War, on Drugs LP - Post Present Medium - 2003
I had the pleasure of hosting a SDI show at my former residence, The Real World House in Portland Oregon in the summer of 2003. They played with two very short term relationships, Bad Cop Worse Cop(Pete of D. Yellow Swans & James of Alarmist) & George Caulron (my good friend Nick & I's two man punk fuck off). Without a doubt SDI stole the show. They played in our very small closed in backyard/concrete slab and tore it the fuck up. People were stage(porch)diving and circle pitting with nowhere to run to. Hands down one of the best house show experiences I've ever had. SDI was comprised of members of Amps for Christ, Weird War & Herr K but really sound absolutely nothing like those bands. Instead you are offered some intense and angry political punk hardcore leaning towards Black Flag & Fox News. The LP came with a sticker on the cover with the following claim - "The most annoying band I've seen since FLIPPER." - Jello Biafra.
Buy it from PPM here.
Download Here.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
First Time - You Can't Hurt Me 7" EP - Jonny Cat Records - 2003

First Time - You Can't Hurt Me 7" EP - Jonny Cat Records - 2003
Mix up the mix. This is the sole release from a Portland band that my old friend Shea played drums for. If you are into the Westcoast power pop punk sounds of Clorox Girls, Tyrades, etc etc then check this out too. This EP was released in a small quantity(maybe 300) by Jonny Cat records and came packaged in cloth covers with faux-blood splatter. Not sure what else to say other than this is a fun 7" with a surprise cover song on the B side.
Download Here.
*** After posting this I realized an error in track one, it is actually tracks 1 & 2 combined. I'll cut it up later and replace the download link. sorry. ***
Order 66 - Demo I - Self Released - 2008

Order 66 - Demo I - Self Released - 2008
Another recent demo tape, this one from some close friends from Cincinnati. Order 66 formed in the fall of 2006 when one Alex was bored of the bands he was in and the other Alex decided to start playing drums. They played their first show that winter with Italy's La Piovra and shocked and awed the crowd with their brand of powerviolence bile. Fast forward two years and they've added a third face, Kyle on bass and tightened up everything. What was once a second rate Crossed Out is now a behemoth to be reckoned with. Four songs of galloping hardcore drawing influence from Bucket Full of Teeth, Tragedy & Ampere to name a few... At least that's what my deaf ears can hear.
Order 66 on Myspace.
Download Here.
Order 66 at Murmur, Cincinnati 9-30-08
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Herds - Demo Tape - Self Released - 2008

Herds - Demo Tape - Self Released - 2008
Herds is a newer band that formed last winter in Milwaukee Wisconsin and features ex-members of Charles Bronson, Get Rad, Threatener, etc etc etc. That all hardly matters though, because Herds stand on their own. This is straight up edgy fierce hardcore with poetic lyrics seemingly dealing with nature most of the time. I had the pleasure of seeing Herds last spring in Chicago at the 2nd to last Repos show and was blown away. I had high hopes just by knowing who was involved but that wasn't enough to prepare me for what I saw/heard. They already have a 7" single out on singer MP's Deerhealer Records and a full 7" EP on Fashionable Idiots. I suggest you seek out both! Haiku Violence.
Herds on Myspace.
Download Here.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Cut The Shit - Shut Up And Play 7" EP - Bored To Death - 2003

Cut The Shit - Shut Up And Play 7" EP - Bored To Death - 2003
Cut The Shit has been one of my favorite Hardcore bands since I first heard their Bored To Death EP on Gloom Records when it dropped in 2002. Totally raging boston hardcore with gorgeous hand screened artwork on the cover and record itself to boot. This EP was sold on a west coast tour that I missed out on and eluded me for a number of years until a nice guy in Seattle sold me his copy recently for $20. Money well spent in my opinion. Search out their 1st EP that I mentioned above as well as their "Harmed & Dangerous" LP & "Marked for Life" 10", all of which were released by Gloom. The singer, Andrew, can now be found playing bass in the incredible Failures along with members of Cancer Kids, Das Oath & Ampere.
Download Here.
Cut The Shit live 2003
Acid Reflux - Secret Powers 7" EP - No Way Records - 2008

Acid Reflux - Secret Powers 7" EP - No Way Records - 2008
The follow up EP to the demo tape(s/t 7" ep). Maybe even better. Read one post down for more info on the 'flux.
Download Here.
Acid Reflux - Demo Tape - Self Released - 2006

Acid Reflux - Demo Tape - Self Released - 2006
Acid Reflux is a four piece punk hardcore band from Albany NY, a city that has given some of my favorite bands of the past fifteen or more years, including Devoid of Faith, Monster X, Police Line, By The Thoat, The Jury and so forth. My friend Bryan got this demo tape from the band I'm assuming after reading an MRR review for it. One day in December of 2006 I picked him up for work and he gave it to me saying something like "Here you'll like this more than I do." And he was right, I fucking loved this demo from the first listen. Like the Ecoli tape posted several months ago this tape occupied my car's tape deck for a solid couple months. It was repressed with less songs as a 7" on No Way Records sometime later.
Download Here.
Acid Reflux @ The Ratscellar on 2.16.08
Cult Ritual - Cult Maternal - Quit Sleeping
If you are living under a rock and have some how missed out on the awesome three demo tapes and three vinyl EPs from Tampa Florida's Cult Ritual I suggest you head over to their blog and download their entire catalog.
Follow your nose.
Here are some pics I shot of Cult Ritual at their show this past August in Ohio with Vile Gash & Altars. Enjoy Fuckers.

Follow your nose.
Here are some pics I shot of Cult Ritual at their show this past August in Ohio with Vile Gash & Altars. Enjoy Fuckers.

Aerosols - 1st, 2nd & 3rd 7" EPs - Youth Attack! Records - 2006-2008

Aerosols - 1st 7" EP - Youth Attack! Records - 2006

Aerosols - 2nd 7" EP - Youth Attack! Records - 2007

Aerosols - 3rd 7" EP - Youth Attack! Records - 2008
At Arthur's request here are the three long out of print limited EPs from East Coast ragers Aerosols, features members of several bands you love but tops them all. A shining star in the vast sea of shit called modern hardcore. The 2nd EP contains a VILE cover which is fucking awesome to boot. As noted about these were all released by the noble Youth Attack! Bow Down.
But their records here.
Download Here.
Aerosols @ The Red Barn (Hampshire) on 2.24.08
Die Kreuzen - Cows & Beer 7" EP - Version Sound - 1982

Die Kreuzen - Cows & Beer 7" EP - Version Sound - 1982
Classic Milwaukee Hardcore from the year of my birth. Sometimes I curse that I wasn't born in the late '60s but I'd probably have moved past hardcore and be more interested in stock portfolios and VW Jetta's if I was. Back to the record. Six tracks of chugging punk hardcore with snarled vocals and fucked drumming. Everything about this incredible band's early output is totally original and fierce. Some of their later releases are slightly questionable but forgivable mostly. But this is their 1st EP released on Version Sound of Xenia Ohio in 1982 and you must check it out if you have not. Enjoy.
buy their records from Touch & Go
Download Here.
Punch In The Face - S/T 7" EP - Lengua Armada / Council Records - 2002

Punch In The Face - S/T 7" EP - Lengua Armada / Council Records - 2002
Ebro Virumbrales of Charles Bronson, MK-Ultra & Crudos steps from behind the drum throne to front this incredible Black Flag styled hardcore band. Angry and sometimes funny lyrics. No fucking around really just straight pissed off hardcore. I got the 7" from then member Jeff Rice while he was on tour in 2002 with his other band at the time, Calvary. After listening to their records for years I finally got to see them live in the Spring of 2008 in Chicago with The Repos, Failures, Herds & Weekend Nachos. Great all around. Sadly they broke up over the summer from what I hear. Here's looking to new bands from these Chicago Hardcore veterans.
PITF Myspace
Download Here.
News from my world.
It's been a very chaotic few months. I doubt anyone is still checking here daily but posting will resume later today with a handful of gems going up. Check back and in the meantime enjoy this live TV appearance of Die Kreuzen, weird huh.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Futures - Broken Roll For Junk Boys And Scum Girls - 7" EP -

The Futures - Broken Roll For Junk Boys And Scum Girls - 7" EP
Japanese Thrash 'n' Roll. Highly Recommended.
Download Here
Monday, June 23, 2008
Summer lovin' had me some thrash. . .
Ok,first of all, sorry for the long absence in posting. I will try to make up for it this week. For a welcome back and to start the summer off right here are volumes 1-3 of the amazing TRASHER magazine skate rock comps. Skate or die fucker!

Volume 1 : Skate or Die! - Cassette - High Speed Productions - 1983
1. LOS OLVIDADOS "Listen To You"
2. THE BIG BOYS "Red/Green"
3. RIOT .303 "Murder The Prime Minister"
4. MINUS ONE "Bored Of It"
6. SKOUNDRELZ "Exterminator"
7. DRUNK INJUNS "Program"
8. J.F.A. "Great Equalizer"
9. RIOT .303 "Skate Punx"
10. MINUS ONE "I Remember John"
11. LOS OLVIDADOS "Don't Cry"
12. MINUS ONE "The Kids Don't Skate Here"
13. SKOUNDRELZ "Jimmy Closet"
14. RIOT .303 "Depression Session"
15. DRUNK INJUNS "Your Mama"
16. BLACK ATHLETES "Die Laughing"
17. THE FACTION "Boredom Awaits"
18. LOS OLVIDADOS "You're Dull"
19. MINUS ONE "Nick of Time"
20. RIOT .303 "Nightmares of Another Kind"
21. DRUNK INJUNS "Pumpshank"

Volume 2 : Blazing Wheels and Barking Trucks - High Speed Productions - 1984
01 - McRad - Prevent this Tragedy
02 - TSOL - Other Side
03 - Big Boys - Lesson
04 - Anvil Chorus - Blue Flames
05 - The Faction - Friends and Enemies
06 - The Kingpins - Ready to Rip
07 - Los Olvidados - Something New
08 - Borscht - Bye Bye
09 - Free Beer - Pigs in Space
10 - JFA - Beach Blanket Bongout
11 - JFA - Johnny D
12 - TSOL - In Time
13 - Free Beer - Start the Ark
14 - Tales of Terror - Gods from outer Space
15 - Ancestors..Gods of Sound - Treasures of Mankind
16 - Big Boys - Assault
17 - McRad - Tomorrow's Headlines
18 - Borscht - Enemy
19 - Drunk Injuns - She's Got a Gun

Volume 3 : Wild Riders of Boards - High Speed Productions - 1985
01 Slam - Wild Riders Of Boards
02 Boneless Ones - The Keg Kept A Flowin'
03 Christ On Parade - Don't Draft Me
04 Septic Death - Thaw (Cold World)
05 Slam - Jorden Den Ar Var
06 No Rules - The Fall
07 Christ On Parade - My Life
08 Beyond Possession - Skater's Life
09 Septic Death - Burial
10 Corrosion Of Conformity - What
11 Accused - Take No Prisoners
12 Beyond Possession - My Disease
13 Corrossion Of Conformity - Not For Me
14 Corrossion Of Conformity - Citizen
15 Accused - Splatter Rock
16 Accused - W.C.A.L.T
17 Gang Green - Skate To Hell
Download Here

Volume 1 : Skate or Die! - Cassette - High Speed Productions - 1983
1. LOS OLVIDADOS "Listen To You"
2. THE BIG BOYS "Red/Green"
3. RIOT .303 "Murder The Prime Minister"
4. MINUS ONE "Bored Of It"
6. SKOUNDRELZ "Exterminator"
7. DRUNK INJUNS "Program"
8. J.F.A. "Great Equalizer"
9. RIOT .303 "Skate Punx"
10. MINUS ONE "I Remember John"
11. LOS OLVIDADOS "Don't Cry"
12. MINUS ONE "The Kids Don't Skate Here"
13. SKOUNDRELZ "Jimmy Closet"
14. RIOT .303 "Depression Session"
15. DRUNK INJUNS "Your Mama"
16. BLACK ATHLETES "Die Laughing"
17. THE FACTION "Boredom Awaits"
18. LOS OLVIDADOS "You're Dull"
19. MINUS ONE "Nick of Time"
20. RIOT .303 "Nightmares of Another Kind"
21. DRUNK INJUNS "Pumpshank"

Volume 2 : Blazing Wheels and Barking Trucks - High Speed Productions - 1984
01 - McRad - Prevent this Tragedy
02 - TSOL - Other Side
03 - Big Boys - Lesson
04 - Anvil Chorus - Blue Flames
05 - The Faction - Friends and Enemies
06 - The Kingpins - Ready to Rip
07 - Los Olvidados - Something New
08 - Borscht - Bye Bye
09 - Free Beer - Pigs in Space
10 - JFA - Beach Blanket Bongout
11 - JFA - Johnny D
12 - TSOL - In Time
13 - Free Beer - Start the Ark
14 - Tales of Terror - Gods from outer Space
15 - Ancestors..Gods of Sound - Treasures of Mankind
16 - Big Boys - Assault
17 - McRad - Tomorrow's Headlines
18 - Borscht - Enemy
19 - Drunk Injuns - She's Got a Gun

Volume 3 : Wild Riders of Boards - High Speed Productions - 1985
01 Slam - Wild Riders Of Boards
02 Boneless Ones - The Keg Kept A Flowin'
03 Christ On Parade - Don't Draft Me
04 Septic Death - Thaw (Cold World)
05 Slam - Jorden Den Ar Var
06 No Rules - The Fall
07 Christ On Parade - My Life
08 Beyond Possession - Skater's Life
09 Septic Death - Burial
10 Corrosion Of Conformity - What
11 Accused - Take No Prisoners
12 Beyond Possession - My Disease
13 Corrossion Of Conformity - Not For Me
14 Corrossion Of Conformity - Citizen
15 Accused - Splatter Rock
16 Accused - W.C.A.L.T
17 Gang Green - Skate To Hell
Download Here
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Free Kitten - (KI) 7" Single - Radiation Records

Free Kitten - (KI) 7" Single - Radiation Records - 1994
If you are not familiar with Free Kitten this might not be a very good place to start. Free Kitten is a "supergroup" featuring Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth), Julie Cafritz (Pussy Galore), Mark Ibold (Pavement) & Yoshimi P-We (Boredoms). If you know me at all you know that those are some of my all time favorite bands. This is Free Kitten covering the Germ's "Sex Boy" on the A side and Yoshimi pretending to be Darby Crash talking on the B side. I guess this is a pretty rare release, and it's on a Spanish label that I dont recall ever seeing anything else from? It's great, but I'd suggest getting their LPs or other EPs. Still though, download this and enjoy.
Buy their records from Kill Rock Stars
Download Here
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Vegetative State - S/T 7" EP - Death By Noise Records

Vegetative State - S/T 7" EP - Death By Noise Records - 2007
This is the debut 7" ep from four high school kids from the greater Columbus Ohio area. I saw/heard them for the first time this past November when they opened for Clockcleaner at the Carabar in Columbus. I was pretty blown away by their set, aside from an amp or guitar dying? I was drunk and totally forget. They covered Fear's "living in the city", I remember that much. Pretty solid debut, I'm really looking forward to their upcoming records on Nice Life & Parts Unknown.
Vegetative State on myspace
Death By Noise on myspace
Download Here
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Count - Romance In Reverb 7" EP - Self Released

The Count - Romance In Reverb 7" EP - Self Released - 2000
As far as I know this is The Count's only vinyl release. And it's a pretty fucking great one. Spazzy violent powerviolence influenced(If you couldn't tell by the cover art) hardcore from Claremont California, the birthplace of the retardedly named genre and it's godfathers Man Is The Bastard. They are surely taking something from the early 90's bands that adopted the moniker, but I hear more in common with other late 90's bands such as Combatwoundedveteran, Reversal of Man and so forth. It is a sweet record, and you have nothing to lose, so just download it already and thank me later. I'm pretty sure this band also had some sort of CD release, but I've never stumbled upon it. If all that is not enough, the drummer Jeremy went on to play in Wives(pre-No Age).
Download Here
The Brats - S/T 7" EP - Zhengaya Records

The Brats - S/T 7" EP - Zhengaya Records - 2004
The only release from Berlin Germany's degenerate thrashers The Brats, featuring the always incredible Florian Pühs, formerly of Surf Nazis Must Die, currently of Herpes, who have their debut 7"
EP coming out soon on How Much Art Can You Take. In my opinion this EP is the perfect bridge between the two above mentioned bands. Look out!
Zhengaya Records
Download Here
Castro - S/T 7" EP - Tapes Records

Castro - S/T 7" Single -Tapes Records - 2004
Awesomely fun three song EP from this sadly defunct Brooklyn NY quartet released on the Tapes Records imprint run by Ian of Japanther. When I bought this the store had put a sticker on the cover that said something to the effect of "great minutemen influenced dancey fun punk". . . I guess I can agree with that. A few years ago the band gave me three unreleased tracks for an ill fated compilation, if I can ever track down a member of the band I will ask them about releasing a posthumous EP. . . We'll see.
Tapes Records
Download Here
The Body - Cop Killer b/w Dead Cops 7" Single - Corleone Records

The Body - Cop Killer b/w Dead Cops 7" Single - Corleone Records - 2007
And since I posted the No Substitutes EP, here is a single from the Body as well. Kind of an odd one, side A is a cover of Body Count's "cop killer", and the B side is a cover of M.D.C.'s "dead cops". Not that knowing that really matters because neither song sounds anything remotely close to the originals. Stoned out.
Again, links for The Body can be found below in the split post. Enjoy.
Download Here
Get Killed - No Substitutes 7" EP - Corleone Records

Get Killed - No Substitutes 7" EP - Corleone Records - 2006
This is their only full EP release, more thrashing, violent, urgent hardcore fury. Is that a generic enough descripton? See the post below for links and more info on this rad band.
Supposedly there is an unreleased LP by them floating around. Please aim it my direction.
Download Here
The Body / Get Killed - Split 7" EP - Corleone Records

The Body / Get Killed - Split 7" EP - Corleone Records - 2005
I bought this ep on a whim from Anthem records in Portland Oregon in the summer of 2005. I played the Get Killed side first, then proceeded to play it probably 30 more times in a row. I'm not exaggerating at all. I played it for weeks before even flipping it over to hear The Body's side of the slab, which is good. . . but not nearly as good as the Get Killed side in my book.
Get Killed was a four piece thrashy hardcore band from Providence RI, kinda similar to something like Swing Kids without the jazzy influences going on. Track one is my favorite of the three.
The Body is also from Providence and is way different from GK, they play very slow, bass heavy stoner hardcore. I wouldn't really call it metal but it's close. Good stuff nonetheless. Also check out Lee of the Body's hip hop project Lorna Doom.
Get Killed on myspace
The Body on myspace
Corleone Records
Download Here
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tri-City Thundercats - Japan Tour 7" EP - I Don't Feel A Thing Records

Tri-City Thundercats - Japan Tour 7" EP - I Don't Feel A Thing Records - 2002?
Two songs ripped from the one sided Japanese tour ep. This is some of my favorite power pop of all time. Super brief, catchy and to the point. These songs are also featured on the "Early Recordings" LP/CD that came out on King of the Monsters around the same time. Check this out then go buy the LP for your collection.
buy everything from I Don't Feel A Thing Records!!!
King of the Monsters Records
Download Here
Nazti Skinz - Sic Semper Tyrannis 7" EP - Youth Attack! Records

Nazti Skinz - Sic Semper Tyrannis 7" EP - Youth Attack! Records - 2002
Nazti Skinz consist of former and current members of Le Shok, Fast Forward, Locust, Wrangler Brutes, etc etc etc. . . They existed for a minute in 2002 to write six songs, play five shows and release one EP. This is hands down one of my favorite YA! releases to date. Fucking perfect slightly sloppy punk rock with a skinhead vibe and hilarious lyrics. Um. . . Just download it and listen to it really loud. As an added bonus I've included a live set from their 2nd to last show, which I believe was at Headline Records in LA.
Youth Attack! Records
Download Here
Ecoli - Demo 7" EP - Stress Domain Records

Ecoli - Demo 7" EP - Stress Domain Records - 2007
This is a rip of the vinyl version of the excellent first demo tape from this Bay Area CA noisey hardcore band. Think Deep Wound and Void with a more modern thrash twist but an urgency that most modern shit lacks. When they sent me their demo tape a little over a year ago I played it non stop in the car while delivering food to college assholes, it was the perfect soundtrack to such a shitty job. Enjoy fuckers!
Ecoli on myspace (new songs there!)
Download Here
Monday, April 21, 2008
Black Dice - S/T 7" EP - Gravity Records

Black Dice - S/T 7" EP - Gravity Records - 1998
The incredible debut EP from Rhode Island art punks Black Dice. If you are only familiar with their newer DFA noise/soundscape records this might confuse or maybe even scare you. This is Black Dice at there best, violent, spastic and just plain fucked up. I can't recommend this enough.
Black Dice on myspace
Download Here
Stupid Babies Go Mad - S/T 7" EP - Human Stench Records

Stupid Babies Go Mad - S/T 7" EP - Human Stench Records - release unknown, please tell me!
This is some pretty straight forward punk rock n roll from Japan's SBGM. Two studio tracks backed with two live tracks of in my opinion Motörhead influenced junk thrash, my buddy Ryan said they bring to mind Jellyroll Rockheads, I can't argue that. I prefer the live tracks on this one.
Stupid Babies on myspace
Download Here
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Dow Jones and the Industrials - s/t 7" ep - Hardly Music Records

Dow Jones and the Industrials - s/t 7" ep - Hardly Music Records - 1980
Dow Jones was a synth punk band that formed in the late 1970's in West Lafeyette, Indiana. They released a split LP entitled "Hoosier Hysteria" with fellow Indiana natives Gizmos in 1980, followed by the three song ep linked here. For fans of The Screamers, good punk, etc.
No contact.
Download Here
Sluggo - Contradiction 7" ep - Shagdog Records

Sluggo - Contradiction 7" ep - Shagdog Records - 1983
Another of my favorites as far as early 80's hardcore goes. Sluggo was from Cincinnati OH, while I was drooling, shitting in diapers and learning to crawl 50 miles north of them, they were making what would later become some of my favorite music. The original is kinda hard to come by, I was lucky enough to find a copy thanks to Billy at Shake It! records in northside Cincy. A repress was issued a few years ago on Agitate-96 which may still be available.
Sluggo official site
Sluggo on Myspace
Download Here
VOID - live set - date unknown

VOID - live set - date unknown - unreleased/bootleg ?
Here lies a live set by one of the greatest hardcore-punk bands of all time. Void existed for a few years in the early 80's in a suburb of DC. They released only two legit records, a split LP with fellow DC area band the Faith and a few songs on the legendary Flex Your Head compilation. If you don't have these records you are a moron, and need to immediately head over to Dischord Records and order them. The incredible vocalist John Weiffenbach faded into obscurity, guitarist Bubba Dupree moved to Seattle and briefly played in Soundgarden (ouch) and appeared on Dave Grohl's Probot album, bassist Chris Stover apparently played on a Jeremy Enigk(sunny day real estate) album and as far as drummer Sean Finnegan goes, i have no idea.
Dischord Records
Download Here
Bikini Kill - Revolution Girl Style Now! demo tape - Self Released

Bikini Kill - Revolution Girl Style Now! demo tape - Self Released - 1990
This shouldn't need much of a description, but here's one anyways. This is where the Riot Grrl Movement of the early '90s begins. Olympia WA bands have always had a big influence on me musically, and Bikini Kill is probably one of the strongest, along with Beat Happening & Nirvana (who were definitely an Olympia band), amongst countless others. Singer Kathleen Hannah is currently fronting Le Tigre, drummer Tobi Vail can be seen/heard playing guitar and singing in Spider & The Webs as well as drumming in The Old Haunts.
Buy other Bikini Kill records here - Kill Rock Stars
Bikini Kill fan site
Download Here
Haxan - s/t 12" ep - Youth Attack! Records

Haxan - s/t 12" ep - Youth Attack! Records - 2005
The only release from the mysterious Haxan, limited to just 120 copies. Three tracks in just under 10 minutes. Scathing, obscure, and violent art.
Youth Attack! Records
Download Here
Ashley Von Hurter & The Haters - s/t 7" ep - Babydoll Records

Ashley Von Hurter & The Haters - s/t 7" ep - Babydoll Records - 1996
Six tracks of excellent (mostly) female fronted punk from Providence RI. Brings to mind bands like Bikini Kill & Bratmobile. The later especially on the song "car bomb". After listening to this exclusively on my ipod for a few years I finally found a vinyl copy at Bleecker Bob's for $5. Score. Enjoy.
Download Here
Rituals - s/t demo tape - self released

Rituals - s/t demo tape - self released - 2006
Two tracks from the amazing, barely released demo tape (10 copies maybe?) from this Tucson AZ two piece. Excellent straight forward nihilist black metal, no room for noise or experimenting here. Just dark, violent musical bliss.
no contact.
Download Here
Little Princess - Song Collection 7" ep - Punch the Cheese Records

Little Princess - Song Collection 7" ep - Punch the Cheese Records - 1998
Insane all girl grindcore trio from Japan with a heavy early Napalm Death & Carcass influence mixed with a sort of powerviolence retard groove. Vinyl only release limited to only 250 copies. It took me several years to track down my copy and it cost me a pretty penny. Members also spent time in Geri Live and Better Than Your Hand. Enjoy this while smashing your head into your bedroom wall.
Download Here
Charm City Suicides - s/t lp/cd - Vermin Scum / Youth Attack! Records

Charm City Suicides - s/t lp - Vermin Scum / Youth Attack! Records - 1999?
This incredible album was origianlly issued on vinyl only by the now defunct Vermin Scum Records, this is the YA! cd version which includes four bonus tracks which I believe are taken from the self released "green blood" 7" ep. Spastic garage punk rock recorded on a strategically placed boombox. Raw and to the point. A total gem and a long time personal favorite.
Charm City Suicides
Youth Attack! Records
Download Here
XO Skeletons - Asthmagasm 7" EP - Malfunction Records

XO Skeletons - Asthmagasm 7" EP - Malfunction Records - 2006
Four track debut 7" ep from this Philladelphia based band featuring Wes Eisold of American Nightmare/Give Up The Ghost, Some Girls, Heartworm Press, etc, etc, etc. . . This is by far my favorite of his musical projects to date. New wave infused punk with fuzzed out bass & dirty guitars clashing with synths and samples over very basic beats courtesy of a drum machine. Excellent nonsense!
XO Skeletons
Malfunction Records
Download Here
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